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Noam Chomsky Gaza

Noam Chomsky Condemns Israeli Atrocities in Gaza

Renowned Public Intellectual and Political Dissident Speaks Out

WEB Reflections on Israel's War against the Palestinians

Noam Chomsky, the world-renowned academic, public intellectual, and philosopher, has condemned the Israeli atrocities in Gaza. In a recent interview, Chomsky called the Israeli actions "hideous" and said that they "must be condemned in the strongest possible terms."

Chomsky is a vocal critic of Israeli policies against the Palestinians. In his 2010 book, "Reflections on Israel's War against the Palestinians," he argues that Israel is committing war crimes and crimes against humanity in the occupied territories.

In a recent interview with Democracy Now!, Chomsky said that the Israeli attacks on Gaza were "a major war crime." He also said that the Israeli government "is committing genocide against the Palestinian people."

Chomsky's comments come as the death toll in Gaza continues to rise. According to the United Nations, more than 1,000 Palestinians have been killed in the Israeli offensive, including hundreds of children. The Israeli government claims that it is targeting Hamas militants, but many of the victims have been civilians.

Chomsky's condemnation of the Israeli atrocities in Gaza is a powerful reminder of the human cost of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. He is one of the world's leading intellectuals, and his voice carries great weight. His words should serve as a wake-up call to the international community. The world must not stand idly by as Israel continues to commit war crimes and crimes against humanity in Gaza.
